About the APH Society

The idea to establish this Society, I got in the year 1998 when I first read about Anthony Philip Heinrich in „Our American Music“ by J. T. Howard. Gradually, I studied his work and life, featured his songs in public. About ten years later got my efforts in popularizing A. P. Heinrich, thanks to study at the University of Economics, positive impulses. In my thesis in 2011 I set out a strategy animation of works of A. P. Heinrich. The establishment of society, websites and other activities that I realized, were planned in 2011 in this animation strategy. I used and still use only my own finances  for all costs of research of Heinrich´s life and work and the establishment of the Society. (P.F.)

Official information about the Society:

Name of the Society: Mezinárodní spolek Anthonyho Philipa Heinricha, International Anthony Philip Heinrich´s Society, z. s.
Address of the Society: Kolovratská 58/1, 100 00 Praha 10, The Czech Republic, European Union.
Id.number(IČO): 02645891
Email: Heinrich.Society@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Heinrich.Society
Chairman: Ing. MgA. Pavel Farský
email: Pavel.Farsky@email.cz http://farsky.eu/en
The Society is registered in the Register of the Municipal Court in Prague
The Society is registered in the Tax Office in Prague
Bank account: 2200555341 / 2010 Fio bank
Purpose of the Society: Purpose of the Society is promotion and dissemination of art and the human legacy of composer and music organizer Anthony Philip Heinrich (1781 – 1861), originating from Bohemia, later living and working in the USA. Activities will take place in the Czech Republic and in the world in the educational, artistic, research and social fields using all available methods of dissemination (both traditional and modern approaches and technologies – debates, concerts, lectures, articles, publications, seminars, internet, social networks etc.). They will include the active co-operation with other organizations of cultural and other areas aimed at promoting culture and for other, external activities leading to the spread of the composer’s legacy. Coordination of activities of Society with the activities of other cultural organizations will be an important part of planning.